Track website changes within Google Analytics

When any notable event occurs in your website, or you make any changes to it, make a Google Analytics annotation!

Annotations are a simple way for you to leave notes for yourself so that you can quickly recall why something might have occurred in your data on a specific day or series of days.

For example, a lot of people followed my advice finding and removing a duplicate Google Analytics code inserts (multiple WordPress plugins doing the same job in many cases).  For these people, their Pages/Visit stats are going to decrease by about 50%, and their Bounce Rate is going to jump. Make sure to leave an annotation in your Analytics so you don't forget why!

It's easy to do.

Head to your main charts. In the center of the page, right below the primary line graph, you'll see a small down arrow. Click on it and a panel will drop down. Then to the right is the link to "create an annotation". Leave a note for yourself, with a date of occurrence and some descriptor text, and hit save.

Bonus tip: a listing of all of your annotations!

One day I was looking around, trying to see if there was a way to find a complete listing of all of my annotations... and there is, just not where you'd expect!

For this, you'll need to head to the Admin page (link at the bottom of the left column), and then in the right column about halfway down under "personal tools & assets", is the link for Annotations.

Enjoy and get in the habit of leaving notes for yourself!
